Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Okay, yea so I didn't post for so long.. I know... You can say I was so lazy, and enjoying the fact that I no longer have Skola!

I finished skola...
Yes ... I'm free now, everyone says Uni phase is the best but well from what I get from others who just started that Uni sux!
I've always wanted to go to USA... But well stuff changed, and I started thinking differently.
Since it's my blog, and I'm free to write what I want, I will ... 
Dad says it's not easy for a muslim girl to go to such country, since everything is complicated there after 9-11.. lol somehow, the immunity inside me grew and I don't want to go USA.. there might be other reasons ... 
A friend of mine, went to USA.. actually 2 friends and they're so happy, they don't find difficulties or anything - I envy them-.
Oh yea, the one thing that made people tell my parents not to let me study abroad is coz I have diabetes, SERIOUSLY PEOPLE? so what .. sigh

I got 90% -Hamdella-
I didn't study really very hard, something's wrong with me =S but I'm satisfied with my result.
And I got scholarship to NETHERLANDS!
My friends went to UK and USA ... and I'm still here in Oman.. agh!
Not knowing if I'll travel on November, or February!
since the lady said, Netherlands don't give foundation year, or something like that..
To apply to uni it takes long time, she says if I applied in june, or end of may I would've gone in September and start with others, but because Oman's system is different and we get results by July, it's too late to get accepted!
and I got accepted, in Saxion.. I fought to go there =P 
I don't think I can wait til Feb, so I hope and pray I leave in Nov!!!
